Apartment and family
Nowadays a person can choose where he wants to live. Whether one wants to live in an apartment or in a big house. There are many ways you can actually arrange to live with your family in a big house with a garden or in a small apartment, but there might not be a garden at all. And I think that\’s a great pity, because I think that if you have a big family and there are mainly small children, I suppose that mainly small children will want to spend time in the garden, time in the garden or somewhere else outside.
And imagine if you had a small flat or a studio flat somewhere near the road, where would your children go? Would you have to take them on trips or to the park or to other playgrounds? And I\’m just glad that my partner and I and our family live where we are. Do you know where we live? Of course, you can\’t know, but I\’m happy to tell you. My partner and I and our family live in the country. We have a really big garden here. We have a really big flat. It\’s actually a house. It\’s actually a huge house with three families in it. It\’s a three-generation house, and I live here with my son and my partner and my daughter.
And my brother and his family live upstairs and my grandmother lives next door. And unfortunately, my grandfather is no longer with us, so my grandmother is alone in the two-room apartment, but she doesn\’t mind so much because at least she has us. I\’m glad we live here because at least grandma doesn\’t have to be alone. My grandmother doesn\’t tolerate loneliness very well, so we go there several times every day for coffee or tea. And how do you live? Do you prefer a house or an apartment? Does it also depend on the price, of course, or how many of you there are, how big your family is? It\’s logical that a big family won\’t live in a small studio apartment. But for example, if a family has no money and has a big family, there is often nothing else to do but to live in a studio apartment or a small flat.