House and apartment

Beautiful big house

Do you also have your dreams and or wishes, such as such a dream that you would like to live in a big house or a small apartment? Many people still wonder whether it is convenient to live in a big house or a small apartment. I think it also mainly depends on how much finances you have or how you actually go about living, because if you have a demanding job for example where you spend a lot of time and you often come home late from work, I think a smaller apartment would probably suit you. A lot of people even do that by getting two small apartments as well. They have one maybe somewhere abroad, more like somewhere warm. Where it\’s always warm and that they always go there for the winter to stay warm. So somebody gets a small flat somewhere like by the sea in Italy and they go to Italy for the winter and the other way round.

V malém bytě bych být nechtěla.

But as for me, I always prefer a big house in particular. I\’m not so much interested in travelling, I want to have a really nice house somewhere in the countryside and have a big garden. A lot of people also say over and over again that they think that maybe a big house would cost some big money too, but this is not true. So it\’s not exactly easy and it\’s logical that a big house would cost more money than, say, a tiny apartment.

Moc se mi líbí veliké domy.

It also depends on where your apartment or house is actually situated. It\’s logical that if it\’s something brand new and it\’s in the centre of Prague, it might cost twice as much as a good quality family house somewhere in the village. Here you simply have to think about it, but it is true that in Prague you earn more money, so it will not be such a big financial difference. It depends on where you work or where you live. But in the end it still depends on your decision or your finances and whether you can really afford a big expensive house with a garden.

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