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Harassment in the Workplace

Harassment in the Workplace

I really enjoy being a woman. I love being a woman, but there may be a lot of people who think that we women really have too many struggles in life. I know what everyone really wants to say and that is mainly like sexual harassment in employment and in the workplace. It\’s like sexual harassment. Speaking of sexual harassment, have you ever experienced it? I have, I have experienced it several times. I will tell you that sexual harassment can happen to men as well as women. Let me tell you, it is really very sad afterwards. For example, my cousin, who is very sensitive and introverted, worked in a warehouse stacking goods, and he really experienced sexual harassment too.

Ženy, nebojte se ničeho.

And two women harassed him. And those two women enjoyed it very much. And when his colleagues found out, they joined them. I didn\’t like that at all. I could never understand how anyone could allow this to happen. For example, I understand that my cousin was very sensitive and quiet and did not defend himself at all. But it was a shame that the cousin did not give all the strength and courage to say anything to them or confide in anyone. But for a man to confide in someone is a very delicate matter indeed. A lot of men don\’t want to confide in someone if they have sexual or other problems. 26]

Ženy zažívají problémy v práci.

On the other hand, we women can confide in each other really quickly. For example, I suffer from various inflammations, so if I have sexual problems, of course I will tell my doctor, and I will tell my partner. Maybe we women are better at confiding. I think women are more likely to confide in someone, and by confiding in someone, we feel more pity for ourselves. But I don\’t want to be pitied. I would rather have someone help and support me. If I don\’t confide in someone, if I don\’t confide in someone about my problems, how can I get support? So confiding is the best thing to do.”

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