House and apartment

Principles of plasterboard installationPlasterboard

handy DIYer canplasterboard according to the instructions. However, it is desirable to learn from the mistakes of previous builders, to make the work easier and not to neglect the static load-bearing capacity.
natírání cihel

Cutting the boards

Plasterboards can be cut with an ordinary wood saw, this is also used for short cuttings or for round or rounded holes, but the best way is to cut to the exact size with a technical deburring knife. The cut is made from the face side, then broken off, the folded cardboard on the reverse side is cut away, and finally the edge is cut at a 45 degree angle with a technical knife (if it will be joined to another U profile board at this point) and the joint cemented.


The fastest and most convenient way is with a cordless screwdriver, it can also be done with a hand screwdriver or a drill with a drill attachment, but the drill is too heavy and you will work harder with hand tools. Be careful when tightening the screws that they are not too deep and that they do not break the top edge of the cardboard they are attaching.
textura sádry

Ceiling beams

Installing plasterboard structures is a relatively easy job, especially for perpendicular walls and partitions. Where the structure is anchored to the wall, there is little stress and even just a few dowel or wood screws will hold it in place. The situation is considerably more complex for ceiling structures. These have to be installed in such a way that the static load-bearing capacity of the existing ceiling is maintained, taking into account the anchoring elements and their strength. For all suspended ceilings, an increase in weight of at least 10 kg per square metre must be taken into account. The construction of the old ceiling itself must not be underestimated, as the steel beams for plasterboard must be fixed very firmly to the ceiling joists or masonry. Take good care with prefabricated ochal-type houses, where the chipboard ceiling boards are only attached with nails, and if you screw the beams only into the boards, the whole ceiling will eventually come loose and collapse. Here you need to find out where the wooden beams go and fix the joists directly into them.

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